Printed newspapers about to vanish & online quality not as good

We all take for granted daily news brought to us by trained, experienced journalists & filtered by editors.

Where do radio stations get their news from?


Where do online bloggers etc get their facts & ideas from?


Where do many television stations get their news leads from?


Apart from the ABC’s 4-Corners programme, who does quality investigative journalism?

Not many others! Mostly, it’s capital city newspaper journalists.

Do most Australians realise that the source of most of our news, however we get it, can be traced directly back to a newspaper journalist?

With News Ltd & Fairfax slashing journalist and print staff jobs Australia-wide due to free-falling print sales, cessation of the printing of major newspapers appears imminent. The income from digital subscriptions isn’t paying for the same number of journalists.  And in case you haven’t noticed, online newspapers have a more tabloid style (not helped by lairy ads, that few read but everyone is irritated by).

Everyone who doesn’t cough up cash for a daily paper, or pay for at least one online newspaper subscription – don’t complain when it all vanishes & we’re left relying on comments from the general public about what they saw or heard (or thought they did).

I love newspapers. I grew up reading “odd spot” on the cover of the Melbourne Age, reading objective, interesting articles and admiring the top-drawer photographic images.  And feisty, well-thought-out letters to the editor.  All a major inspiration for me, since I was old enough to read. Calamitous when it vanishes forever.

Let’s all sing Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi together: “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone. Pave paradise, put up a parking lot…”
