An ever-changing schedule plus random travelling means that sometimes I’m hard to catch – there’s info on contact options at the very bottom of this page. FUTURE events we could cross paths at & dates out of the office: 2025 21-23 March; Palm Springs Drone Festival; presenting a couple of sessions. Instigated by renowned Californian […]
Fiona Lake Blog
How to watermark phone photos
November 5th, 2023If you like to post a lot of images on social media but don’t get around to watermarking them – the Samsung Galaxy’s One UI 5.0 operating system now provides a splendidly quick & easy option. Open the camera app & follow this path:– settings (the knurled wheel)– watermark– enter the letters/numbers you want, then […]
Tips for Australians travelling by air during Covid19
November 25th, 2021Between late October 2020-mid January 2021 I squeezed in 15 flights across 3 Australian states – mostly to run drone workshops. My business relies on being able to travel so I’ve had to figure out a bit about flying during a pandemic! I’m sharing tips as many people find the prospect of flying during a […]
Rural photography competitions can help foster a thriving rural photography scene – but most don’t
September 7th, 2020After running rural drone or photography workshops I’m usually approached by at least one parent asking whether their daughter, who is really keen on photography, should pursue a career as a photographer. (And yes, virtually every time it has been daughter, not son.) If I say ‘yes go for it’ (as many other photographers do) […]
Looking for information on drones on farms or cattle stations?
July 7th, 2020I’m receiving increasing enquiries from regional Australians seeking information on drones, particularly for use on farms or cattle stations. It’s fantastic to see the rising interest and the determination to seek out reliable information! Unfortunately there’s not enough spare time or resources in my business to provide one-on-one consultations and too many valuable aspects are […]
How to set up a drone business
March 21st, 2020A while ago I read a post on how to start a drone business. It was advice on how to start a drone photography business but many of the same principles apply to all small businesses. EG, the importance of finding your niche and focusing on it. Become an expert in your field. Ideally, build […]
How to judge & how to enter rural photography awards & competitions
February 2nd, 2020Photography competitions can be incredibly useful in rural and regional areas. The multiple potential benefits range from encouraging existing talent to inspiring new photographers, to educating re agricultural industries and promoting the uptake of new methods and best-practice, improved environmental management, heritage protection plus tourism and event attendance. I enjoy judging photography competitions as much […]