How do you get started on Twitter? (1/4)

January 2nd, 2015

I thought Twitter was a waste of time until launching into it and discovering a fascinating bunch of people, sending useful information, thought-provoking opinions and having rewarding conversations. Plus the wittiest observations and retorts I’ve ever read.  Opinions, facts and laughs all mixed together.  Twitter is a brilliant, worldwide, bush grapevine. Many obviously think likewise […]

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Twitter – how to avoid dodgy accounts

January 2nd, 2015

This is another post in my “Social media and Farmers” series. There’s two main types of dodgy accounts rural people are likely to encounter. One is the group that everyone on twitter has issues with – spammers (trying to sell you something iffy).  The second are animal rights extremists. Today someone queried an account they […]

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How do you decide who to follow, on Twitter?

January 2nd, 2015

This is part of a series on “Social Media and Farmers” (Twitter & LinkedIn – for bushies). I’ve written down the basic policy I figured out via trial & terror, as it contains points other social media users might like to think about too. My twitter policy regarding who I follow, and managing followers: I […]

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Social media use in rural Australia

September 29th, 2014

This is how Australia’s bush grapevine now works. On Saturday I drove home from Longreach, taking photographs along the way. I just got a call from a bloke carting livestock, asking if I was in Charters Towers on Saturday. I’d tweeted a photograph of his roadtrain, refuelling at Charters Towers. It was seen by someone […]

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Tips for writing a good blog

October 26th, 2013

The internet is buried in blogs. Some are brilliant and some mind-numbingly bad. But most blogs are simply mediocre, with a huge percentage read by very few.  Fortunately most farm blogs don’t fall into this category.  There is strength in a diversity of rural voices – people writing from a wide variety of industries, backgrounds, […]

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“Farmers On Film” Augmented Reality Postcards

March 25th, 2013

Staffordshire University ran a student/farmer grant-funded project prior to the 2012 London Olympics to help consumers find out about who had grown their food and how it was produced.  This ‘Farmers on Film’ project was based on special ‘augmented reality’ postcards produced by the University of Derby (Buxton).  Cambridge University is behind a lot of […]

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LinkedIn Networking, agribusiness & regional residents

June 9th, 2012

I’ve built a LinkedIn network of more than 2,000 like-minded people and would like to share some LinkedIn tips I wish I’d understood from the start.  (This is part of the “Social Media and Farmers” series.) First to explain – it took many hours of work to build a good quality network of this size, […]

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