Images of animals killing and eating other animals too upsetting for some Australian TV viewers these days

We’ve had a good laugh in recent years at ‘parental guidance required’ disclaimers that precede programmes such as Troy Dann’s outback adventures.  But the best laugh of all was this ‘warning’ statement  preceding the screening of David Attenborough’s ‘Life in Cold Blood’ series  screened on ABC TV earlier this year:  ‘The following programme contains scenes of animals hunting and eating prey in the wild’.

Oh dear, whatever next!  Don’t lizards and crocodiles know they should purchase their food neatly plastic wrapped from the nearest supermarket?  How distressing!

And just too bizarre given the detestable, gory detail of human violence replayed every night at prime time, on programmes such as CSI Miami and other murder investigation programmes, and explicit shows on SBS.

It’s fine to watch unspeakable human violence in every imaginable form, but seals and whales eating what seals and whales eat?  That’s just too obscene to watch!

If nature doing what nature does every millisecond alarms so many people a warning statement is required, then no wonder vegetarianism is rampant.

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