Corporate Agribusiness Workshops & Presentations
- Workshops are carefully tailored to suit each specific group of participants - providing information that is directly relevant to their level of experience, industry and region; including practical examples of what does and doesn't work.
- Participants gain the technical skills to raise standards immediately, plus plenty of inspiration - which ensures immediate & ongoing results.
I'm most often asked to provide assistance to agriculture-related businesses however the same principles apply to all industries.
The 3 main topics for corporate workshops:
- Drones in Agriculture
- Photography for businesses, organisations & government departments
- Best-practice social media use for businesses
1 Drones in Agriculture
"Introduction to the world of drones in agriculture" sessions are popular. There's more hype regarding new technology than you could shake a stick at - I cut through the hysteria and explain the facts, based on extensive hands-on knowledge.
There are now quite a few options for drone licencing (albeit, all city-based). But agricultural and aerial photography training remains scarce - I'm the only professional photographer who runs drone photography training with a specifically agricultural focus, with multi-region & industry experience.
Why is it important for anyone using a drone to take photographs, to undertake some training? Aerial photography requires a much higher level of skill to obtain good results, than ground photography. It's a lot easier to make mistakes in the air, wasting significant amounts of time and money.
2 & 3. Business & organisations photography training and best-practice social media use:
At present the agribusiness sector is rife with missed opportunities. The most powerful marketing is created by individuals on the ground; not by marketing teams far removed from hands-on; and first impressions are usually indelible.
Everyone has a smartphone and everyone uses it to take photographs - many of which end up online.
Not giving staff any formal photography & social media training is a missed opportunity to maximise effectiveness, at best. And at worst, it could lead to a PR disaster - for your business or department, or the whole industry.
Smart businesses ensure first impressions are fantastic and win/win for all involved by providing some professional training.
If your business or organisation would benefit from having staff producing powerful industry-related images with absolutely no risk of negative impacts, then you have a lot to gain from engaging me to run a workshop for you.
Because I don't just run through textbook techniques anyone can pick up from Google. I help refine aims, improve detail recognition, navigate a minefield of potential errors and help people decide which publication platform (conventional or digital media) would currently suit their purposes. We discuss how to build quality networks and maximise personal marketing opportunities. Based on solid hands-on experience of what works and what doesn't, gained over many years.
- We share stories and have a good laugh along the way, so learning is enjoyable as well as memorable; and networks are strengthened.
- Skills are lifted up to another level and participants are left feeling more confident and sufficiently inspired to put new knowledge into practice.
- And anyone who started out overconfident or careless, learns to be more thoughtful and cautious. At present most are learning by jumping online, boots first - and learning by making mistakes publicly. This isn't good for individuals, their employers or industry.
- Ongoing support is also available.
I have a vision in which everyone involved in agribusiness has had some training to learn how to produce the most productive images, and avoid the many pitfalls.
- Smartphones are incredibly powerful tools and the current lack of photography and media training is akin to handing someone a gun and bullets without first giving safety instructions.
- Damage is easy, instant and difficult or impossible to fix.
- Images can be sent around the globe in nanoseconds and bad news travels faster and far wider than good news.
- The internet is awash with deleterious agribusiness messages and images - many produced or endorsed by ag industry organisations and businesses, not just individuals.

Burdekin Falls Dam, overflowing after heavy wet season rain. (Drone photography) Images such as these aren't just 'pretty pictures', they can be valuable explanations.
Grant assistance for workshops may be available:
- As these workshops all involve upskilling with new technology, grant assistance may be available via ag-related or digital training programmes for the public or businesses.
- State government regional arts development programmes are another good source of funding, for sessions with a creativity focus. For example, the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) in Queensland.
- Local councils can assist with information, eg many have a 'cultural development officer' whose job it is to foster creative activities in the local community, or an employee with great knowledge on general grant assistance programmes for regional businesses. I am on my local RADF committee and have received several RADF grants over the years, so I can help with application queries.
Further information on rural worksops and presentations:
Contact Fiona Lake for more information on workshops & presentations